Sunday, October 23, 2011

Divide and Conquer

I believe in getting both sides of the story, so occasionally, I’ll watch Fox News. Before long I have to turn it off, however, because even if they’re making a reasonable point—and sometimes they do—they use the word “Liberal” in such a negative way so often that pretty soon, I feel too insulted to keep watching.

So I decided to expand my satellite plan to include MSNBC, since I knew that was the “Liberal” attempt to answer Fox News, but after about a month, I canceled my expanded subscription and went back to a simpler plan. I liked a lot more of what they had to say on MSNBC because they agreed with my “Liberal” perspective most of the time, but I got tired of hearing the words “Conservative” and “Republican” bantered about so negatively.

I think most of the people in this country agree more than we disagree. I think most of us would like to see a return of a strong middle class, most of us believe discrimination against any group of people is wrong and most of us even believe that abortion under at least some circumstances should be safe and legal. But for some reason, the corporate media and the politicians in Washington just love to emphasize our differences and divide us. Why do you suppose they’re doing that?

The powerful, corrupt interests in this country and the politicians who do their bidding really don’t want us to get along. They do their very best to keep us so busy fighting each other that we won’t pay any attention to what they’re doing.  If we settle our differences, we just might unite and take a long, hard look in their direction.

Despite all their very expensive efforts, however, I think the Occupy Wall Street movement shows that their fears have begun to be realized. The majority of Americans seem to agree that our amazing system of government has been co-opted by wealthy interests. So even if we aren’t in a position to set up our tents in a major city, we can take this opportunity to begin talking to each other, just like the occupiers have been doing. We can find our common ground and figure out what needs to be done in order to get our government working for us—for ALL of us—again.

I heard the occupiers chanting, “The people united can never be defeated!” We are the people. We are the 99%: liberals, conservatives and everything in between. United, we can and will defeat those who attempt to divide and conquer us.